Course Exams allow you to test the knowledge your users have on a bigger scale than quizzes found in Lessons. A Course can tie a number of Lessons together or can be independent. Lessons can thus support a Course Exam and be either optional or mandatory. Mandatory Lessons must be completed before the Course Exam can be started. Courses can be added to your user’s Learning Path.
The Courses Manager is found under User View Manager.
Creating a Course
When you click Create Course you’ll be asked to fill in the following fields:
Title: The name of your Course.
Points: How many points awarded for a complete, perfect Course Exam. This point total is divided by the number of questions. If a user gets 50% correct they will receive 50% of this point total. Note: if Points are disabled, this option will not appear.
Description: A description of the Course Exam to let your users know what the topic and content includes.
Optional fields include:
Prerequisite: If this Exam is in a series and you want to require another Exam to be completed first.
Cover Photo: Images help break up the text and keep users more interested in your content.
You must also select your User Group and Location for the Course. This is set to “All” by default, but if the Course is not intended for all users you can choose one or more User Groups and Locations.

Supporting Lessons
Courses aren’t linked to specific Lessons automatically, but you can list Lessons in support of the Course. Supporting Lessons can be optional (default) or mandatory.
Mandatory Supporting Lessons must be completed by a user before they can attempt the Course Exam.
If a Lesson is included in Supporting Lessons (either optional or mandatory) it will indicate this on the Lesson page itself, and users will be able to “click through” to the next Lesson in the Course.

Course Exam Questions
Course Exams start with one question field with two answer fields – you can add additional answer options, delete extras, and rearrange the questions.
Saving the Course Exam sends you back to the main Courses Manager page. You can drag and drop your Course Exam to the right category. Click the Publish option and it will be activated for your users.
Managing Course Exams

If you mouseover a Course Exam you’ll see several options: Link, View, Edit, and Remove.
Link allows you to grab the Course’s direct link. You can add it to a Dashboard widget or email or wherever you like.
View allows you to quickly view the Course without making an edits.
Edit lets you edit the Course, with the same options as creating a new Course.
Remove allows you to remove a published or unpublished Course from access for users.