The Simple
Knowledge Management System
For Your Church or Religious Institution
A Secure, 2FA-Enabled Vault in the Cloud For Your Religious Community
A Knowledge Hand-Off System for New Volunteers and Staff
Central File Storage for Notes, Agendas, Minutes, Budgets, Contracts, Financials, and More
DIY Customization To Your Organization’s Needs
The likelihood is that most of the procedural knowledge and information that allows your place of worship to run smoothly week in and week out is stored across multiple volunteers’ desks, brains, notebooks, laptops, and phones.
Are you a volunteer with the leadership team at your church, temple, synagogue, mosque or other religious community?
Was it easy to get up to speed when you came on board? Were all the ‘details’ of your role passed on to you or did you have to figure it all out as you went? Did your predecessor leave you the notes you need? Are there recurring annual reporting and/or compliance requirements and deadlines to know about and plan for? Are copies of past reports and filings easily available to learn from? Are the procedural details of the ministry you’ve committed to well documented for you? Do you feel good about how things will be left for your successor(s) when your term is up?
Is there room for improvement in document and knowledge management, storage and secure access at your religious home?
Collect, preserve, and pass on the vital information your Church needs to remain successful long after the current clergy and volunteer teams move on.
Once your knowledge is captured and safely stored in your MonkeyLMS, it’s then easy to access, categorize, stylize and make changes so that the content is always current.
Set up your knowledge categories as will best suit your worship community structure. Perhaps one for each ministry operated by your place of worship. Some examples might include:
Worship Services
Online Worship
Pastoral Care
Church School
Altar Guild
Flower Guild
Refreshments Team
Welcoming Committee
Youth Group
Refugee Resettlement
Community Outreach
Continuing Adult Education
Finance and Treasury
Property Committee
Green Initiatives
Each ministry generally encompasses a vast array of daily, weekly, monthly or annual tasks, duties and traditions often carried out by a mix of staff and volunteers from amongst the membership. Does your place of worship have a central secure place where all these processes, notes, schedules, comments and documents are stored and can be accessed by those who need them?

What is MonkeyLMS? How do we help your faith-based organization?
All churches and religious institutions are governed differently and our solution is completely customizable for yours. Set your MonkeyLMS up according to your house of worship’s needs.
All-In-One Tools
With simple yet robust content management, editing and upload tools, and an easy User dashboard, MonkeyLMS provides your church with everything its governing council, volunteers and members need to successfully continue forward long into the future. We are a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, so there are no software downloads required by your Users: just an internet connection and their unique login credentials.
Safe, Secure Storage
Each ministry generally encompasses a vast array of daily, weekly, monthly or annual tasks, duties and traditions often carried out by a mix of staff and volunteers from amongst the membership. MonkeyLMS provides a central, secure place where all these processes, notes, schedules, comments and documents are stored and can be accessed by those who need them.
All features are available to you at no extra charge: they’re ALL included in our special Not-For-Profit pricing. We know that volunteers sometimes need different interactions than staff and clerics, so you decide which features to enable or not, and the type of Users you want to set up.
Seamless Access
Ensure Council members, clergy and administrative staff, volunteers, contractors and members all have immediate and ongoing access to what they need, when they need it to keep your place of worship running smoothly.
Easy to Use
From new volunteer onboarding, to changing regulations, to periodic announcements to committee meeting dates. Engage the simple effectiveness of MonkeyLMS for your place of worship. We make content creation and management, knowledge transfer and document storage as simple as they ought to be.
Each staff or clergy member, volunteer or congregation member you invite as a User in the system gets their own unique login and the basic monthly fee covers the first 50 users. There is no limit on the number of Users and you can assign individual permission levels, tag content by ministry area, and control who has access to what. E.g., give the building superintendent an account that can’t get to governing Council information but can access furnace and HVAC procedures, issues and contracts.
Three Free Ways to Try MonkeyLMS With No Obligation or Credit Card
Click Here to Open a Demo Project Immediately
See what a Project looks like with ‘sample’ data while you try it out. You can turn the demo into a free trial within 7 days.
Sign Up and Start Your Free 30-Day Trial Here
Suggest to your institution of worship that they try us for a free month at zero obligation. Create some categories, upload some content and documents, and set up a few of the types of Users and permissions your church council could use.
Fill Out the Form for a Personal Consultation
MonkeyLMS has tooltips throughout the platform and a detailed embedded Help resource to assist through your trial and beyond, but if you prefer to talk to a live person, we’re always here to help.
Request a Free Consultation
Want to talk to someone about your organization’s specific needs? Use this form and we’ll contact you right away to set up a personal consultation and demonstration of MonkeyLMS.