MonkeyLMS is


A Training and Learning Management System (LMS)


A 24/7 Operations Resource For Your Organization


A 2FA-Secured Online Vault for Its' Knowledge


DIY Customizable to Fit Your Needs

Adapt MonkeyLMS to your specific environment:

  • Are your policies, processes and everyday operating knowledge stored in your peoples’ heads and laptops?
  • Can you wrap your protective arms around your organization’s body of operational knowledge and history?
  • Do you have knowledge transfer and teaching processes in place if someone falls ill or leaves?

Once your content is captured and securely stored in MonkeyLMS, it’s easy to organize, edit and add to, ensuring the right people have access everything that you want, need and expect them to know.

  • Rely heavily on staff or volunteer knowledge to run efficiently?
  • Do you know who knows what? Want to track knowledge and learning? Can you?
  • Does each person in each role have access to the most current knowledge needed to execute as required?

You can invite an infinite number of users and assign your own custom permission levels, functional areas, teams and geographic locations to control who can see what. With MonkeyLMS your staff, volunteers, board members, vendors, or stakeholders all have immediate and ongoing access to everything they need.

  • Do you have people working in separate locations or from home?
  • Are you experiencing turnover in an ever-changing environment?
  • Do you have a way to update your processes and best-practices that doesn’t get buried across staff email folders?
  • Are you paying exorbitant LMS prices for features and integrations you never use? Looking to cut monthly fixed costs?

MonkeyLMS is the super-affordable LMS that you customize according to your specific needs in a secure always-on environment.


  • Are your policies, processes and everyday operating knowledge stored in your peoples’ heads and laptops?
  • Can you wrap your protective arms around your organization’s body of operational knowledge and history?
  • Do you have knowledge transfer and teaching processes in place if someone falls ill or leaves?

Once your content is captured and securely stored in MonkeyLMS, it’s easy to organize, edit and add to, ensuring the right people have access everything that you want, need and expect them to know.


  • Rely heavily on staff or volunteer knowledge to run efficiently?
  • Do you know who knows what? Want to track knowledge and learning? Can you?
  • Does each person in each role have access to the most current knowledge needed to execute as required?

You can invite an infinite number of users and assign your own custom permission levels, functional areas, teams and geographic locations to control who can see what. With MonkeyLMS your employees, contractors, volunteers, members, or customers all have immediate and ongoing access to everything they need.


  • Do you have people working in separate locations or from home
  • Are you experiencing turnover in an ever-changing environment?
  • Do you have a way to update your processes and best-practices that doesn’t get buried across staff email folders?
  • Are you paying exorbitant LMS prices for features and integrations you never use? Looking to cut monthly fixed costs?

MonkeyLMS is the super-affordable LMS that you customize according to your specific needs in a secure always-on environment.

The likelihood is that most of the knowledge and information that your organization currently relies on hourly, daily and monthly to run at maximum efficiency is stored across multiple peoples’ desks, brains, laptops and phones… and perhaps many of those span multiple locations.